K-12 Enrollment During School Closures
Resources: Back to School Info, Meals, Emotional Wellbeing
Greetings, Dino Families!
I’m excited to welcome everyone back to the new school year! I hope that everyone had a fun and safe summer vacation. Based on the first few days of school I can already tell that 2025-2025 will prove to be an exciting and successful school year. Our scholars are well prepared to start the year thanks to a partnership with Office Depot known as Start Proud. During a special school-wide assembly on the second day of school each TK-5th grade student received a backpack filled with school supplies during a special school-wide assembly.
With a new school year brings new faces to our staff at Signal Hill. I know you will all join me in welcoming the following folks to our Dino Family:
- Kate Pekar - Technology TOSA
- Kathleen Naruse - Teacher Librarian
- Regina Nervo - Reading Recovery Teacher
- Graciela Rojas - School Nurse
- Stephanie Perez-Ruan - Health Assistant
- Lizeth Maldonado - Instructional Aide
- Mary Williams - School Psychologist
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It is an honor to begin my second year as Principal at Signal Hill Elementary School. I look forward to continuing to get to know the families of our learning community in an effort to help each of our young scholars reach his or her greatest potential!
Mr. Tardibuono
Welcome back! Please use the link below to access the online lunch application.
Online Lunch Application
Signal Hill has a mission to ensure all students reach their greatest potential.
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- Be Safe
- Be Kind
- Be Respectful
- Be a Learner
- Act Responsibly
HLO Technical Support Resources
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Family Resource Centers Offer Summer Counseling and More
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